HolyCoast: Giuliani Gets Pro-Life Governor's Endorsement
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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Giuliani Gets Pro-Life Governor's Endorsement

Pro-life voters who are worried about Rudy Giuliani should take note of this:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential contender Rudy Giuliani, battling to win over conservatives in the 2008 race, earned the backing of a Southern governor on Wednesday despite their opposing views on abortion rights.
Republican Rick Perry, an abortion-rights opponent who succeeded President George W. Bush as Texas governor, said he was convinced the former New York mayor would appoint Supreme Court justices who would please conservatives.

"The one question I wanted to hear him give me the answer and look me right in the eye was the issue of 'What type of individual can I expect on the Supreme Court?'" Perry said at a news conference in Washington to announce the endorsement.

He said Giuliani, who leads national opinion polls in the Republican race, told him he would appoint justices like Chief Justice John Roberts, Antonin Scalia, and Samuel Alito -- three of the most conservative members of the court.

"Let me tell you, I can live with that," Perry said.

Notice how Reuters describes Perry as an "abortion rights opponent". You can't be pro-life with Reuters, only opposed to "rights".

The one area in which a president can affect the abortion issue is judicial appointments. Any Republican candidate that will appoint strict constructionist judges like Roberts, Scalia or Alito passes the only litmus test I have on abortion.

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