HolyCoast: Harry Reid Smear Letter Bid Now Over $2,000,000
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Friday, October 19, 2007

Harry Reid Smear Letter Bid Now Over $2,000,000

I'm absolutely amazed. I predicted that the Harry Reid smear letter of Rush Limbaugh signed by 41 Democrat Senators would finally sell for around $100,000. That was back when the bid was in the $40,000 range. As of right now (6:43 am 10-19-07) the bid stands at $2,100,100. It is now the largest charity auction in eBay history.

Wow. Needless to say, Hillary was surprised.

The question is, can the mainstream media continue to ignore this auction as they have all week? With numbers over $2,000,000 this ought to be a story on every broadcast Friday night, but I have a feeling Fox will be the only one to carry the story.

UPDATE: Here's more information on the charity that will be the benefit of Rush's largesse. It's a great organization.

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