HolyCoast: Hillary Stuck at 48% Against Everyone
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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Hillary Stuck at 48% Against Everyone

Jim Geraghty at the Campaign Spot has an interesting observation about Hillary Clinton's poll numbers against Republicans:
Pollster Scott Rasmussen just shared this fascinating observation in an interview: When you average the head-to-head matchups with Hillary Clinton vs. any of the Republicans, she's always getting 46 to 49 percent against any of them.

"When we polled her against Ron Paul, she got 48 percent of the vote. When we polled on Ron Paul among people who knew who Ron Paul is, she got 48 percent of the vote. When we polled among people who didn’t know who Ron Paul is, she got 48 percent percent of the vote."

Paul got 38 percent against Hillary.

Since the Paul Bearers make up a very small fraction of the Republican voters, the fact that even he can hold Hillary to 48% means that 48% is Hillary's poll ceiling and she'll have a tough time going any higher against any Republican. That's a pretty big deal and should cause some concern among those Democrats who would like to nominate a candidate that might actually be electable.

What are other Dems saying about the electability issue?
"I want to see if John Edwards will say to Hillary Clinton in front of everyone: 'You're not electable, and you know it, and you're going to hurt people down the ballot.' It's time to stop whispering. It's getting to be midnight."

-- Democratic strategist Donna Brazille, quoted by the Philadelphia Inquirer.
Based on these polls the GOP could run a potted plant against Hillary and at most she'd get 48%. That has to concern a lot of folks on the left side of the aisle.

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