HolyCoast: If Elected Hillary Would Cut Her Own Power
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Thursday, October 11, 2007

If Elected Hillary Would Cut Her Own Power

Does anybody really believe this?
Senator Hillary Clinton said yesterday that if she is elected president, she intends to roll back President Bush's expansion of executive authority, including his use of presidential signing statements to put his own interpretation on bills passed by Congress or to claim authority to disobey them entirely.

"I think you have to restore the checks and balances and the separation of powers, which means reining in the presidency," Clinton told the Boston Globe's editorial board.

Ain't no way. The moment she walks into the Oval Office she'll surely come up with several good reasons (focused group in advance) why the powers Bush/Cheney sought to restore to the executive branch were not so bad after all. If anyone thinks she's going to give up power upon taking office, they clearly haven't been paying attention to the last 15 years of Clinton capers.

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