HolyCoast: Is the GOP Creating More Former Members than New Members?
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Monday, October 08, 2007

Is the GOP Creating More Former Members than New Members?

There has been troubling news for the GOP lately. On one hand we have the Christian Right which is threatening to abandon the party's nominee if he turns out to be pro-choice Rudy Giuliani, and on the other hand we have a post from Rick Moran at Right Wing Nuthouse, a secular conservative with some centrist or possibly even liberal social leanings who has now left the party...because of the influence of the Christian Right.

While I don't agree with all of Rick's complaints, it is worth reading to see how another wing of the party (or former wing) is viewing the '08 campaign and the current overall positioning of the GOP. The Christian Right gets so much attention it's easy to forget there's much more to the GOP than Dobson et al.

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