HolyCoast: It's Over - Rush Wins by a Knockout
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Wednesday, October 03, 2007

It's Over - Rush Wins by a Knockout

Even if Rush doesn't mention a thing about the "phony soldiers" faux controversy, it's over and he wins. He won the moment Mark Mays of Clear Channel fired a response back to Harry Reid before the ink had even dried from the 41 Dems who sided with this farce. Radio Equilizer looks at it this way:

Has Thuggish Clodfather Harry Reid just lost a major battle on two fronts?

First, his widely- publicized anti- Rush protest letter to Clear Channel CEO Mark Mays attained only 41 signatures from Senate Democrats.

With a number of senators from his own party refusing to sign it (not to mention the lack of even a single Republican member crossing over), clear weaknesses in his leadership have been exposed for all to see. That's not the sign of a powerful leader.

In addition, far from hiding under his San Antonio- based desk,
Mays has held firm in his response, letting Reid know he isn't the slightest bit afraid of the Clodfather From Searchlight.

In fact, he pretty much
told Harry and Company to take a hike.
That graphic's perfect. A commenter at Powerline add this:
Not sure if you caught this, but while I was working out this morning I noticed that the “Today Show” was covering the Democrats vs. Rush farce. I couldn’t hear the story, but the text on screen during the piece read something along the lines of: “Democrats vs. Limbaugh — who is more unpatriotic?”

Talk about an unintentional assist!

It's over.

UPDATE: From Fred Thompson:
Congressional Democrats are trying to divert attention from insulting our military leader in Iraq and pandering to the loony left by attacking Rush Limbaugh. He is one of the strongest supporters of our troops, yet Democrats claim he is not being strong enough. I wonder who General Petraeus and his troops think is most supportive?

Well said.

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