HolyCoast: James Dobson Is Becoming Hillary's Handmaiden
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Tuesday, October 09, 2007

James Dobson Is Becoming Hillary's Handmaiden

If I might set the scene using a Biblical comparison, Hillary Clinton is riding into Washington on her donkey and James Dobson is laying palm branches in her path. (h/t Allahpundit for the video)

I heard a caller on Rush's show state that "maybe we have to have a Jimmy Carter first to get a Reagan". In other words, it's best to lose this one because we might win a better one lately. That is unadulterated baloney. Everything that Dobson and his disciples hold dear and valuable will be tossed aside like garbage if his efforts result in the election of Hillary Clinton. There's no way he or any of his self-righteous ilk can convince me that electing Rudy Giuliani would not be preferable to any Democrat.

As I've stated previous, his ideas smack of political, if not emotional, immaturity, and that's not very attractive on a guy of his age or stature.

Hugh Hewitt offers an interesting take on Dobson's antics. To date Dobson has made critical statements about Giuliani, Fred Thompson and John McCain, but has been strangely silent on Mitt Romney. Hugh suggests that Dobson may actually be making a backdoor endorsement of Romney's campaign, something he couldn't openly do because of Romney's Mormon faith. Hugh is a Romney supporter, so I'm not sure there isn't a healthy dose of wishful thinking in that opinion. However, if true, I would hope Dobson would come out and make the endorsement rather than play these political games.

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