HolyCoast: Katrina Finally Pays Off
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Sunday, October 21, 2007

Katrina Finally Pays Off

The voters of Louisiana finally figured out that incompetence is not a good trait in a governor and elected the first Republican in a while, and a guy who's breaking some other Louisiana taboos as well:
BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) - U.S. Rep. Bobby Jindal became the nation's youngest governor and the first nonwhite to hold post in Louisiana since Reconstruction when he carried more than half the vote to defeat 11 opponents.

Jindal, the Republican 36-year-old son of Indian immigrants, had 53 percent with 625,036 votes with about 92 percent of the vote tallied. It was more than enough to win Saturday's election outright and avoid a Nov. 17 runoff.

"My mom and dad came to this country in pursuit of the American dream. And guess what happened. They found the American Dream to be alive and well right here in Louisiana," he said to cheers and applause at his victory party.
Congratulations, Louisiana! You did well.

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