HolyCoast: Media Matters Latest Manufactured Scandal - Ann Coulter
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Thursday, October 11, 2007

Media Matters Latest Manufactured Scandal - Ann Coulter

Back in this post I suggested that Ann Coulter might just take the heat off of Rush Limbaugh. It's becoming increasingly clear that I'm psychic (aren't you people lucky?):

Slash-and-burn columnist Ann Coulter shocked a cable TV talk-show audience Monday when she declared that Jews need to be "perfected" by becoming Christians, and that America would be better off if everyone were Christian.

Coulter made the remarkable statements during an often heated appearance to promote her new book on advertising guru Donny Deutsch's CNBC show "The Big Idea."

In response to a question from Deutsch asking Coulter if "it would be better if we were all Christian," the controversial columnist responded: "Yes."

"We should all be Christian?" Deutsch repeated.

"Yes," Coulter responded, asking Deutsch, who is Jewish, if he would like to "come to church with me."

Deutsch, pressing Coulter further, asked, "We should just throw Judaism away and we should all be Christians?" She responded: "Yeah."

Coulter deflected Deutsch's assertion that her comments were anti-Semitic, matter-of-factly telling the show's obviously upset host, "That is what Christians consider themselves: perfected Jews."
I must admit that I was not all that scandalized by her comments because frankly what she said is what most Christians believe. Jews who have converted to Christianity describe themselves as "completed", and the notion that Christians would want others to be Christian too is hardly breaking news. Every religion wants others to join them, though some do it at the tip of a sword rather than by simply asking.

Coulter is a professional bombthrower and loves nothing other than to stir the pot, and it looks like she successfully got to the host in this case. You can read the transcript here, and I'd suggest you do that because I think you'll see that her comments were not as outrageous as the Media Matters crowd would have you believe. However, she'll undoubtedly have to go through the same media anal exam that Rush did, though since her comments relate to religion, she might have a tougher go of it.

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