HolyCoast: A NASCAR Hero Who Isn't Even A NASCAR Fan
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Wednesday, October 03, 2007

A NASCAR Hero Who Isn't Even A NASCAR Fan

The ending of the NEXTEL Cup race in Kansas last weekend had its controversies but didn't generate any heroes like the aftermath of last year's race did:
KANSAS CITY, Kan. – A year ago Monday, Susan Brown lay dying in a pool of her own blood.

You see, just hours after Tony Stewart limped across the finish line to take the checkered flag at Kansas Speedway, two masked men with guns stormed into the speedway's vault and demanded what was inside. Only Brown, a detective with the Kansas City, Kan., police department, didn't want to hand over the roughly $1 million that was inside.

Instead, she stood strong, directing employees into another room as a shootout ensued. Bullets flew back and forth. Several hit Brown. But even as she lay bleeding on the floor, Brown did not give up the fight. She returned fire and forced the robbers to flee – empty-handed.

When they did, Brown was finally able to radio for help.

"10-60," she said weakly.

Officer has been shot.

Read the whole story. The officer had a long recovery but is back on the job, and the perps turned out to be track volunteers who were quickly caught.

And the officer is not even a NASCAR fan.

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