HolyCoast: The Noose Becomes This Year's Civil Rights Fashion Accessory
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Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Noose Becomes This Year's Civil Rights Fashion Accessory

Yet another noose has shown up, this time at Columbia University, the host to a recent visit by Iranian President Nutjob:
NEW YORK — The New York City Police Department hate crimes task force tried to determine Wednesday who could have hung a noose on the office door of a black Columbia University professor.

An NYPD spokesman told FOXNews.com that the matter was being treated as a hate crime, but offered no further details. The noose was discovered Tuesday by a colleague of Madonna Constantine, a professor at the university's graduate education school.

A police official told The Associated Press that investigators were looking at whether a fellow faculty member at Teachers College with whom Constantine had a dispute or an unhappy student might have been responsible.

Meanwhile, Columbia University students and faculty held a rally protesting the incident Wednesday. Many said they weren't shocked that such a racially-motivated gesture happened at the Ivy League school.
How do you like the pretension in that last sentence? Of course, nothing like that could ever happen at an Ivy League school. They're too busy hosting the Iranian madman who would have all of Israel in a noose.

Apparently flaming crosses have become too much of a bother and the noose is now the accessory of choice for those wishing to make some sort of ignorant racial statement. The article says the police are investigating the presence of the noose as a "hate crime", which I guess means that putting nooses on doors is illegal in New York, unlike Louisiana where no such crime existed.

No perp has been identified, but I'll just remind you of a case in Southern California in which a professor had her car vandalized with hateful remarks inscribed on it. It turns out in that case that the perp was the professor herself who was seeking attention. We'll see if the same thing is happening in New York.

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