HolyCoast: Not So Fast With This Evangelical Endorsements for Romney
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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Not So Fast With This Evangelical Endorsements for Romney

Certain bloggers who shall remain unnamed (*cough* Hugh Hewitt *cough*) have trumpeted every evangelical endorsement of Mitt Romney as though it was the final piece in the puzzle that would prove an evangelical wave toward Mitt the Morman. Not so fast:
The former president of the South Carolina Baptist Convention has retracted his endorsement of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

The Romney campaign has agreed to withdraw all references to Pastor Don Wilton's endorsement of Romney, the Baptist Press reported on Tuesday.

Wilton said the endorsement — first announced by the Romney campaign last Friday — was a "mistake."

"While I did give my consent to the local campaign to use my affirmation of the governor's stance on family values in my capacity as an individual citizen, I made the mistake of not realizing the extent to which it would be used on a national basis," Wilton told the news agency. "It was my personal error to agree to support Romney's campaign. Until this incident I had never endorsed any person running for any elected office, Democrat or Republican."
Don't count your evangelicals too quickly. They're a fickle bunch.

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