HolyCoast: The Perfect Analogy for the Limbaugh/Reid Fracas
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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Perfect Analogy for the Limbaugh/Reid Fracas

I've been looking for the perfect analogy for the Rush Limbaugh/Harry Reid phony "phony soldiers" fracas and I found it, with Rush Limbaugh playing Indiana Jones and Harry Reid playing the swordsman:

I think that pretty well sums it up.

By the way, the bid on the Harry Reid smear letter is now over $65,000. It'll definitely exceed $100,000 before the auction's over on Friday. If you'd like your own copy, you can download a .pdf copy here.

UPDATE: Once again my prophetic powers are working perfectly - the bid has now exceeded $102,000 and it's only Wednesday afternoon. I don't think $200,000 is out of the question with 45 hours left in the auction.

UPDATE: WOW! With just an hour or so to go the auction has exceeded $2,000,000.

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