HolyCoast: Planned Parenthood Deceives Local Official to Build Country's Largest Abortion Clinic
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Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Planned Parenthood Deceives Local Official to Build Country's Largest Abortion Clinic

As usual, the left cannot dare tell the truth about their motivations and activities:

AURORA, Ill. (AP) - A suburban Planned Parenthood clinic opened Tuesday, two weeks later than planned, after anti-abortion activists raised questions about how it received its building permits.

On Monday, Mayor Tom Weisner said that Planned Parenthood was "less than forthcoming" when it used a subsidiary to build a clinic in this Chicago suburb, but attorney reviews found no legal basis to deny an occupancy permit. ...

City officials would not provide occupancy permits while they tried to determine if local laws were followed when Planned Parenthood applied for building permits under a subsidiary, Gemini Office Development.

Planned Parenthood officials said they did so to protect the clinic's staff and construction workers from round-the-clock protests, but there was no effort to defraud city officials.

"We have no regrets about how we went about this process," Steve Trombley, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood/Chicago Area, said Tuesday. "We kept it private from our opponents, and we did it for good reason." ...

Anti-abortion protesters have accused Planned Parenthood of deceiving officials in Illinois' second-largest city into granting building permits.

It became public knowledge in late July that Planned Parenthood would occupy the space.

Scheidler said his group planned to file another lawsuit in DuPage County on Tuesday claiming that because Planned Parenthood is a not- for-profit, it required a special-use permit that would have required a public hearing and notification of nearby property owners.

I think it's a good sign that Planned Parenthood had to resort to deceit and obfuscation to build their new death center. It shows that their idea of "choice" is not as politically correct as it may have once been.

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