HolyCoast: Political Line of the Day
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Saturday, October 20, 2007

Political Line of the Day

From Mitt Romney, speaking to the Values Voters meeting in Washington:
"By the way, a few of you may have heard that I'm a Mormon. I understand that some people think they couldn't support someone of my faith. That may be because they've listened to Harry Reid."
Incidentally and just as I thought, some of the media reports about yesterday's charity auction of the Harry Reid smear letter of Rush Limbaugh tried to give Reid at least partial credit for the $4.2 million the letter made for a very worthy charity. That's obviously what Reid was going for when he made his extremely disingenuous remarks on the floor of the Senate just one hour before the auction closed.

And, like most everything else he's done, it's backfired on him as the new media is tearing him into little chunks. He's got to be the most politically tone deaf senior congressional leader in the history of Congress.

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