HolyCoast: Polling on SCHIP Goes Against Dems
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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Polling on SCHIP Goes Against Dems

If the Dems have a fantasy about overturning the president's veto of the SCHIP children's health care bill, this poll should finish that off (h/t Captain Ed):

A majority of Americans trust Democrats to handle the issue of children's health insurance more than President Bush, but they agree with the president that government aid should not go to middle-income families or those with private insurance, a new USA TODAY/Gallup Poll shows.

Three days before the Democratic-controlled House attempts to override Bush's veto of a five-year, $35 billion expansion of the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), the poll shows that Americans' opinions on the issue are mixed.

Of those polled, 52% said they have more confidence in Democrats to deal with the issue, compared with 32% for Bush. But majorities also supported two positions at the core of the president's opposition.

While the Dems may relish the results which show the voters trust them more on this issue, the GOP will be heartened by the fact the voters agree with the president's two main objections to the Dem plan. Nancy Pelosi's hopes of turning 15 GOP House members to the dark side just went up in smoke.

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