HolyCoast: Quick Cuts From the Dem Debate
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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Quick Cuts From the Dem Debate

Jim Geraghty had the misfortune of watching the Dem debate and all you really need to know about it is his liveblog headlines:

It’s Time for a Mercy Killing on Further Democratic Debates

Thinking Over Hillary's Style, Because Nothing Else Matter Much

This Debate Has Questions About Energy, But No Energy Itself

Bill Richardson's Campaign Has Entered Its Sixteenth Minute of Fame

Is Obama Tentative? Well, I've Seen More Confidence on Hostage Tapes

Obama: 'We are the weakest nation in the world, instead of the strongest one.'

The Democrats Debate in Philly: Everybody Vs. Hillary on Iran

The Democrats Debate In Philly: Obama Swings and Misses in the First Exchange

You can read the rest of his blog here.

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