HolyCoast: Radio For Those Who Believe in Nothing
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Friday, October 12, 2007

Radio For Those Who Believe in Nothing

As if Airhead America doesn't have enough problems, now they're carrying this show:
NEW YORK — A week into the cross-country launch of a radio talk show for "Godless infidels," the son of the late former President Ronald Reagan will be a guest.

Ron Reagan will speak this weekend on Freethought Radio, which Air America Radio is now broadcasting nationally, about his own atheism.

"He became an atheist as a kid, and argued with his parents about it," said Dan Barker, a former evangelical Christian minister who co-hosts the Wisconsin-based program. "And he's still an atheist."

But is the country ready for atheist radio? Air America hopes so. The struggling left-wing broadcaster last Saturday aired its first Freethought show, hosted by Barker and his wife, Annie Laurie Gaylor, who co-chair an atheist activist group called the Freedom of Religion Foundation.

The hour-long program for non-believers currently can be heard in about 25 cities and on satellite radio.

"We think it's a good show," Barker said. "There's a gap, there's a place for it. With all this religious broadcasting, there's nothing specific for atheists and agnostics."

So, how do you talk about nothing for an hour? My guess is the transcripts go something like this:
Host: "Hello caller, there's no God. What say you?"

Caller: "Short time listener, first time caller. I don't think so either."

Host: "Great call! It's hard to argue with that."

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