HolyCoast: The Revenge of the Republicans
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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Revenge of the Republicans

Jeffrey Lord writes a piece today at the American Spectator on what a President Hillary Clinton could expect to encounter from the day she takes office. Essentially, everything the Dems have tried to do to Bush/Cheney and their allies would come back in spades in a Clinton Administration. The piece ends this way:
What Democrats lost with the election of George W. Bush, so furious were they over failed attempts to...ahhh...shall we say "appropriate" votes they did not win in Florida, was the ability to serve as an agent for positive change while Bush was in office. Instead, they spent much volumes of videotape bungling their time in opposition, giving way to an urge to feel good instead of do good. Feeling good specifically meant tossing over the side a legitimate role as the party of the loyal opposition, giving in to Bush Derangement Syndrome and the frothing demands of the American Loony Left. In so doing they finally exhausted the patience of conservatives. The spoiling for a fight attitude, however unhelpful and even destructive it may be in turn for Republicans, will rule the day.

In reality, it is far too early to hand the 2008 election to Hillary or anyone else. But make no mistake, if in fact Hillary Rodham Clinton does in fact emerge as the next president, being tagged "the Chicken Lady" will be the least of her problems.

Based on the treatment she and her party accorded to George W. Bush, it is safe -- very safe -- to say one thing right now.

Congratulations, Madame President. The honeymoon is off.

Read the whole thing. If the GOP has any guts at all any Dem president is in for a rough ride.

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