HolyCoast: Rivals Pin One On Obama
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Friday, October 05, 2007

Rivals Pin One On Obama

Yesterday's story about Barack Obama offering a tortured explanation for why he no longer wears an American flag pin was sure to
prompt a response from his rivals. Fox News, always glad to be helpful, even provided this graphis for the story. Several of his fellow Dems have chimed in:
Barack Obama may choose not to wear an American flag pin on his lapel, but many of the presidential contender's political rivals say they wouldn't leave home without one.

Democratic frontrunner Hillary Rodham Clinton told FOXNews.com Thursday night that she sometimes wears a pin to show her patriotism. “Wearing a flag pin, flying the flag, pledging allegiance to the flag, talking about the values that are important to America, teaching your children about what a great nation you have, standing up for those values, speaking out … there’s just so many ways that one can demonstrate patriotism,” Clinton said at a Chicago fundraiser.

A spokesman for Joe Biden told FOXNews.com that the Delaware senator "always wears a flag pin." It wasn't clear whether Dennis Kucinich wears a pin, but a spokeswoman told FOXNews.com that the Ohio congressman does "does carry a mini copy of the Constitution in his pocket."

Actually, Kucinich does wear a flag pin, but not an American flag. He wears the flag of his homeland...Mars.

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