HolyCoast: Stand With Rush
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Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Stand With Rush

Rep. Eric Cantor has started an online petition to show support for free speech and Rush Limbaugh:
This issue is bigger than you or me, it is bigger than Rush Limbaugh. With the recent liberal effort to ressurect the "fairness doctrine," we have to recognize that free speech -- conservative free speech is under direct attack. These are issues that speak directly to the core of the modern conservative movement – are we going to allow ourselves to be pushed around by liberal extremists, or are we going to fight back?

I want to send Washington Democrats a message that their attempts to distract aren’t working – I stand with Rush Limbaugh against liberal attacks.

Given that such liberal braintrusts as Gen. Wesley Clark are now suggesting that political speech be rated (yes, you read that right), the time is definitely right to sign this petition. Clark is also trying to get Rush thrown off of Armed Force Radio (though he apparently doesn't understand that Congress can't do that, only the Defense Secretary can do that).

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