HolyCoast: The Two Loser Tour
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Friday, October 12, 2007

The Two Loser Tour

What's better than going to a political rally and seeing one loser? Why, two losers, of course:
WASHINGTON (CNN) – The Oscar and Felix of politics? Sen. Joe Biden, D-Delaware, and Sen. Sam Brownback, R-Kansas, would be strong contenders for “The Political Odd Couple of the Year Award” – if one existed.

Biden is seeking the Democratic presidential nomination, while Brownback is running for the GOP presidential nod. On matters of policy, they don’t share that much in common – except what to do about Iraq.

So, the two presidential hopefuls will meet up in Des Moines, Iowa, Friday to talk about their plan to bring stability to the war torn nation. Specifically, the two senators will discuss their legislation that calls for decentralizing Iraq's federal government and giving more control to local and regional groups. Their amendment passed easily in the Senate last week.

It really doesn't matter what either of them say because neither has a chance of becoming president.

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