HolyCoast: Vicente Fox Makes a Good Argument for the Border Fence
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Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Vicente Fox Makes a Good Argument for the Border Fence

Former Mexican President Vicente Fox thinks America is run by racists:

NEW YORK (AP) - Former Mexican President Vicente Fox said Monday that the United States is letting racism dictate its policies, especially when it comes to immigration.

"The xenophobics, the racists, those who feel they are a superior race ... they are deciding the future of this nation," he said, without naming names, in an interview with The Associated Press.

Fox is trying to sell a book, and I noticed something funny about that. I was at Costco on Sunday and saw that they had stocked Fox's book but there was no sign of Justice Clarence Thomas's new book which last week was #1 on Amazon.

Since America is so full of racists and violence, I think we'd be doing Fox a favor if we went ahead and built the border fence to keep all those angry Americans away from the peaceful Mexicans.

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