HolyCoast: The Wacky Left Just Can't Get it Right on the Fires
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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Wacky Left Just Can't Get it Right on the Fires

First we have this glittering jewel of ignorance:

“One reason why we have the fires in California is global warming,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) told reporters Tuesday, stressing the need to pass the Democrats’ comprehensive energy package.

Moments later, when asked by a reporter if he really believed global warming caused the fires, he appeared to back away from his comments, saying there are many factors that contributed to the disaster.

I guess the fact that we've had Santa Ana winds and brush fires since time began is proof that global warming is responsible. Reid's a fool.

And then there's this from lefty talking empty head Mike Malloy (h/t Radio Equilizer):

The situation in Southern California is horrific and it's getting worse, I understand, by the hour. Jessie in that area writes, 'San Diego County is in deep trouble. We have no National Guard to help. We'll keep you posted.'

Only she didn't use that word 'trouble,' she used a different word. No National Guard to help ... um, I've heard some report today, I don't know if it's true, it was picked up by several of the cable news agencies, it was a spokesman for one of the
fire departments, a firefighting organization, I don't know, I heard it in passing, but I heard it two or three times, and they said they have more fires have developed than they have firefighting units to fight these fires.

And this is a perfect example of where the National Guard is vital, but the National Guard in, I don't know what the, how many units have been called up out of the California, maybe none, you know, but I do know this - there are enough National Guard units in Iraq fighting Bush's filthy war and occupation to put different areas of the country in serious peopardy over when issues like this or natural disasters like this develop. Another part of the Bush legacy."

This quote gives us two idiots - the radio host and the caller. The host is trotting out the old canard that the National Guard is unable to respond to situations in the U.S. thanks to Iraq, and both the host and the caller show the nanny-state tendency of lefties who think that every situation requires a federal response.

When you have a major firestorm like we have right now, we don't need guys with assault rifles - we need (and I'll spell it slowly for the lefties) F-I-R-E-M-E-N! What's the National Guard going to do, shoot at the flames? With they warn it to back off or it will be arrested?

The National Guard can provide useful service in the areas of security or providing emergency shelter, but the fact that they weren't on site in the first few minutes was meaningless to the task of putting out the fires.

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