HolyCoast: Clinton Campaign Comic Predicts Landslide
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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Clinton Campaign Comic Predicts Landslide

Mark Penn, whose official title is Clinton chief strategist, would better be described as the campaign's comic. He previously suggested that 25% of Republican women would vote for Hillary just because she's a woman, and is now suggesting that if the election were held today Hillary would win in a landslide:
Mark Penn, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s (D-N.Y.) chief strategist, said Thursday that the Democratic front-runner would get 360 electoral votes if the election were held tomorrow and she faced former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R).

Penn, in a campaign memo, said the results would be similar regardless of which of the top Republican candidates Clinton would face.
Republicans are amused:
Republicans took Penn's prediction in stride.

“It is good to see that the Clinton camp can maintain a sense of humor after the worst two weeks of their campaign,” said Danny Diaz, a spokesman for the Republican National Committee. “Before they start drafting memos on general election strategy, someone ought to write a plan to stop Hillary Clinton’s sinking poll numbers in the early states or figure out where their candidate stands on Social Security, tax reform, and driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants.”

Penn is little more than a propagandist for the campaign and his pronouncements are becoming sillier and sillier. A new Fox News poll out shows a very close race with Rudy leading Hillary by a small margin.

At this point I'm not even convinced that Hillary will win the nomination, let alone the general election.

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