HolyCoast: The Devil Went Down to Lake Forest, Looking for a Soul to Steal...
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Friday, November 30, 2007

The Devil Went Down to Lake Forest, Looking for a Soul to Steal...

My apologies to the Charlie Daniels Band for that title but I just couldn't resist. The world's smartest woman, Hillary Clinton, spoke at Saddleback Church on Thursday:

LAKE FOREST – Many evangelical Christians have taken issue with Hillary Clinton for promoting abortion rights, gay rights and teen condom use, but you wouldn't have known it from the standing ovation that greeted her at Saddleback Church this afternoon.

Although all leading presidential candidates were invited, Clinton was the only one to show up for the annual Global Summit on AIDS and the Church. She delivered a bipartisan message that emphasized the role of the church in addressing AIDS.

“Twenty five years ago when people – mostly young gay men – started dying of an unnamed disease, we didn't talk about it in church,” she said. “We've come a long way. Not only can we talk about AIDS in church, but churches can lead the way.” ...

“I will build … on the leadership President and Mrs. Bush have shown,” she said. She has vowed, if elected, to double AIDS spending to $50 billion – a statement that drew applause this afternoon. Clinton also received a standing ovation when she finished her 30-minute speech.

Many in the audience remain opposed to candidates who favor abortion rights.

“From a theological point of view, it's very difficult to embrace abortion,” said the Rev. Claude Terry, a 57-year-old Baptist minister from Modesto.

I think a lot of those people who gave that standing ovation will hate themselves in the morning.

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