HolyCoast: Good News Is Always Bad News to the AP
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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Good News Is Always Bad News to the AP

This headline bugs me:
Georgia gets rain, but it may not help

Let's refresh our memories just a bit. The other day the governor of Georgia led a prayer meeting asking God to send rain to their parched state. Today they got rain - not a lot, but at this point any rain is good. And yet, AP writes the headline in such a way to totally discount any good that came from an inch of rain falling in a drought-stricken state. As usual, good news is bad news to the AP.

Had they written the headline as "Georgia gets rain but it won't solve their problem", I could go along with that. They'll need much more than an inch to raise the lakes and fix their water woes. But the idea that what rain they got "may not help" is just stupid.

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