HolyCoast: Have the Glaciers Already Melted?
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Friday, November 09, 2007

Have the Glaciers Already Melted?

Somebody get Al Gore!:

LONDON — Thousands of people along the the eastern coast of England were told to evacuate their homes and move to higher ground Thursday ahead of a potentially devasting 10-foot wall of sea water predicted to slam the island nation Friday morning.

More than 10,000 homes and businesses are affected by the order, according to the British Environment Agency, which has issued seven severe flood warnings for people living on the Norfolk and Suffolk coast near Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft.

Environment Secretary Hilary Benn warned of potentially historic flooding in the next 48 hours.

In anticipation of the surge the Thames Barrier, which protects London from flooding, was to be closed Thursday night to cope with water levels four feet higher than usual.

Wow, moving people out before it floods. What a novel approach. They should have tried that in New Orleans.

By the way for those who will try to tie this to global warming, something very similar happened in 1953.

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