HolyCoast: House Passes Next Bush Veto
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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

House Passes Next Bush Veto

San Fran Nan continues her litany of failure by ramming through an Iraq spending bill that would require a pullout of Iraq to begin in 30 days.
WASHINGTON - House Democrats pushed through a $50 billion bill for the Iraq war Wednesday night that would require President Bush to start bringing troops home in coming weeks with a goal of ending combat by December 2008.

The legislation, passed 218-203, was largely a symbolic jab at Bush, who already has begun reducing force levels but opposes a congressionally mandated timetable on the war. And while the measure was unlikely to pass in the Senate — let alone overcome a presidential veto — Democrats said they wanted voters to know they weren't giving up.

"The fact is, we can no longer sustain the military deployment in Iraq," said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. "Staying there in the manner that we are there is no longer an option."

The White House pledged to veto the bill, and Republicans said they would back the president.

"In addition to infringing upon the president's constitutional authority as commander in chief, the bill would mandate a precipitous withdrawal of troops that could increase the probability that American troops would have to one day return to Iraq to confront an even more dangerous enemy," an administration statement said.

"Symbolic jabs" is all Pelosi and Reid have got. I'm not sure this bill will ever make it to Bush's desk since it still has to run the Senate gauntlet, but whether it does or not, it's dead.

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