HolyCoast: A Huckabee Surge?
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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

A Huckabee Surge?

The newest polling in Iowa shows Hillary dropping and Huckabee surging. I think we've entered Bizarro world.

The CBS/New York Times poll has Hillary at 25%, Edwards at 23% and Obama at 22%, and that was before all the noise about the planted questions and the threats against Wolf Blitzer. I wouldn't be surprised if some of her support has already shifted to Edwards or Obama.

On the Republican side Mitt Romney still leads at 27% with Huckabee now at 21% and Rudy Giuliani at 15%. If Huckabee with no budget and not much of a ground game ends up beating Romney who has thrown millions of his own dollars into Iowa, conventional wisdom regarding primary campaigns will completely implode.

Both parties are still wide open.

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