HolyCoast: It's Better to Have Just One Wife
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Friday, November 30, 2007

It's Better to Have Just One Wife

I'm still married to my first wife, and given the troubles Rudy Giuliani is now experiencing due to his affair with what would become his third wife, I've got to believe that when it comes to wives, one is better than three:
Well before it was publicly known he was seeing her, then-married New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani provided a police driver and city car for his mistress Judith Nathan, former senior city officials tell the Blotter on ABCNews.com.

"She used the PD as her personal taxi service," said one former city official who worked for Giuliani.

New York papers reported in 2000 that the city had provided a security detail for Nathan, who became Giuliani's third wife after his divorce from Donna Hanover, who also had her own police security detail at the same time.

The former city officials said Giuliani expanded the budget for his security detail at the time. Politico.com reported yesterday that many of the security expenses were initially billed to obscure city agencies, effectively hiding them from oversight.
These kinds of scandals have a way of undoing a campaign, that would be a shame because I still think Rudy is the strongest general election candidate to go up against Clinton or Obama.

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