HolyCoast: The Moonbats Lash Out at Schumer and Feinstein
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Saturday, November 03, 2007

The Moonbats Lash Out at Schumer and Feinstein

Lefty website TPM Muckraker reported with great sadness the decision of Dem Senators Chuckie Schumer and Diane Feinstein to support Attorney General nominee Michael Mukasey, thus pretty much ensuring his confirmation. The nutroots that populate that site are not happy, and the comments are absolutely hysterical. Here is a collection (of the ones that are reprintable) that represent the thinking on the left:
No more contributions for YOU!
Tell AIPAC to write you a nice fat check in exchange for betraying your country!
(And I truly hope some day you have water in your lungs, so you can experience the pleasure of waterboarding!]

We can't expect more from either of these two senators. They are probably the victims of the wiretapping and their illegal campaign dollars are known to cheney.
they are repulsive, and I am thankful that I don't live in a state that would elect such human garbage. Imagine voting to confirm someone you know to be working against the law you swore to uphold?
Makes them traitors according to the rule of law, doesn't it?

Here is a perfect example of TWO Democratic Senators that are an absolute disgrace!! "Grassroot Dems" should do everything possible to unseat Democrats such as these in the next election. Schumer is an absolute disgrace, and Feinstein has been a "turncoat" for years!! What a sad day indeed for the Democratic Party indeed.

I long ago gave up on both Schumer and Feinstein. I live in California and I'll vote Republican to get her out. At least then, we'd have a real Republican instead the one masquarading as a Democrat now!

This isn't a question of which administration stooge is worse than the other administration stooge. This is a question of whether the Senate f****** Judiciary Committee (OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!) is a body that endorses torture.
Evidently it is such a body.
We must repudiate the craven, cowardly, scum that calls itself the Democratic Party, or this good cop-bad cop routine will ample on in perpetuity.

why doesn't dianne feinstein just quit her charade and change parties? she's f****** useless as a "democrat." she's on the wrong side of every single issue that requires a courageous moral stand.
as a san franciscan, i've never been more disgusted with and ashamed of a fellow city resident in my life.
looking back, the shooting of harvey milk is even more tragic, given the elevation of feinstein's profile that resulted from that event. years later, we're all paying for dan white's insanity in the form of a pathetic, gutless windbag of a senior senator.

The Democrats aren't even trying to fight these sick bastards. Mukasey has clearly indicated he has neither independence nor integrity. He's just going to be another Bush whore at DOJ. And Schumer and the rest who support this appointment have shown their utter lack of courage and intelligence and just plain street smarts.

These people are pathetic sellouts. Feinstein's argument is crap. There's no transparency when Mukasey won't even answer the question about torture, and when he indicates he supports the chief psychopath's destruction of the Constitution. Settling for an obvious evil because you think you can't do better is simply giving in to evil and becoming part of it. And Schumer has got to either be on drugs or forgot to take the ones he needs.
I suppose it's just too much to look for intelligence and integrity when you haven't got any yourself.
The Democrats are about as useful to the people as a car alarm or an appendix.

And that's just a fraction of them. Hilarious!

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