HolyCoast: Pew Poll Has Big Problems
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Thursday, November 01, 2007

Pew Poll Has Big Problems

A new Pew poll out suggests that the elections are a formality - Hillary wins it all in a landslide:

One year before voters go to the polls to select the next president, the Republican Party is as weak as it has been in a generation, a detailed new poll suggests.

In a hypothetical match-up between Hillary Clinton and Rudy Giuliani, bloc after bloc of traditionally Republican voters break for Clinton:

She wins the South.

She polls evenly with voters who attend church at least once a week.

She splits families with a household income above $100,000.

She loses rural voters and men — but only by a narrow margin.

All are constituencies Republicans have dominated for decades; George W. Bush won each by double-digit margins.

The findings from The Pew Research Center for the People & the Press remain preliminary, considering even the primaries are still two months off.
I'm sorry, but I'm not buying that. There's no way she wins the south or splits evenly with churchgoers. That just won't happen. And where are the results with women? It's no guarantee that she'll take a majority of females either.

If you ask me, she's put a spell on either Pew Research or the voters.

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