HolyCoast: Richardson Takes Himself Out of the Running for VP
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Friday, November 16, 2007

Richardson Takes Himself Out of the Running for VP

According to Jim Geraghty who live-blogged the Dem debate, Bill Richardson took himself out of the running for VP with just one question:
Blitzer: Governor, are you saying that sometimes human rights is more important than U.S. National Security?

Richardson: Yes.

And with that, he wipes out any chance he had to be Hillary's running mate.

Putting just about anything ahead of U.S. National Security will eliminate any candidate from the White House in a general election. Most Americans don't believe the rights of a peasant in Pakistan trump the safety of their families back home in anytown U.S.A.

Thanks for playing, Bill, but you're done. Go sit down. You have no business considering yourself worthy to serve as president.

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