HolyCoast: "Spaceman" Kucinich to Make His Big Move
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Tuesday, November 06, 2007

"Spaceman" Kucinich to Make His Big Move

It's Dennis "Spaceman" Kucinich's big day as he tries to force the House to vote on an impeachment bill against Dick Cheney:
Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich is planning to make a procedural move on the House floor Tuesday that would call up a vote on the Democratic presidential candidate’s resolution to impeach Vice President Dick Cheney.

In the resolution, which was introduced in April and has 21 co-sponsors, Kucinich accuses Cheney of lying to Congress and the U.S. public in order to enter into a war in Iraq, and of trying to mislead again in order to start a war with Iran.

“The vice president is cherry-picking intelligence and selectively using facts in a manner that does not portray the complete picture,” Kucinich said in a statement Monday. “The best option to prevent an unnecessary war with Iran is to impeach the vice president, the lead cheerleader of the war. The Constitution gave Congress the power to impeach. Congress must use its power to restrain the administration and impeach the vice president before he prods the United States into another war.”

This whole thing is hilarious and I'm glad he's doing it because he's going to force the Democrats into a very uncomfortable vote. They'll probably attract a few more votes than they have cosponsors, but that's all. The GOP will have a field day with this.

Kucinich and his looney pals still haven't given us a Constitutionally-viable reason for impeaching Cheney. What "high crime or misdemeanor" has Cheney committed? As I stated previously, giving bad advice is not an impeachable offense. Given that the Vice President has only those powers granted to him by the President (with the exception of serving as President of the Senate), the VP is nearly impeachment-proof short of an outright and significant violation of the law.

Of course, Spaceman and his pals have to go after Cheney first in order to make their grand plan work - the plan to deliver the White House to Nancy Pelosi. If they impeach Bush first, they get President Cheney and that just won't do. So the plan is to impeach Cheney first to clear the VP spot with the knowledge that the Senate would never confirm a replacement before they had a chance to impeach Bush too. Third in line to the throne is Pelosi. It sounds wacky, but that's what they're thinking.

Bring it on, Spaceman! There's no word yet on whether his UFO-flying overlords will assist his efforts in the House.

UPDATE: From The Corner, the Democrats are desperately trying to keep this thing from coming up for a vote:

Correction: Okay, got some bad procedural info. Now Kucinich has demanded a recorded vote on Majority Leader Steny Hoyer's (D-Md.) attempt to bury his Cheney impeachment resolution in the judiciary committee. Kucinich succeeded earlier in preventing Hoyer from from tabling the motion. Republicans sided with Kucinich, eager to put Democrats on the record impeaching Cheney.

That's parliament-ese for the following: If this current vote fails to carry, then they'll have to take an actual vote on impeaching Cheney.

UPDATE 2: Steny Hoyer successfully kills the Kucinich impeachment amendment. What will the lefties do now?

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