HolyCoast: Top 100 Most Influential Conservatives
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Friday, November 02, 2007

Top 100 Most Influential Conservatives

The Telegraph in the UK has compiled a listing of what it considers the top 100 most influential conservatives. For the most part they seem to have gotten it right. The top five include:
  • Rudy Giuliani (though some would question whether he's really a conservative)
  • Gen. David Petraeus
  • Matt Drudge
  • Newt Gingrich
  • Rush Limbaugh
President Bush only ranked 21. Conservative talk radio was pretty well represented with, not only Rush, but Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Mark Levin, Bill O'Reilly, and the unlistenable Michael Savage. At least one other media person, Brit Hume, was also mentioned (it's pretty hard to find a conservative in the mainstream media).

There were a couple of obvious errors in the list. At #33 is columnist Andrew Sullivan who I don't think even claims to be conservative anymore, #47 is Sen. Joe Lieberman who isn't conservative at all with the exception of his views on Iraq, and at #89 is Sen. Larry Craig who wields no influence whatsoever on anybody (except maybe the guy in the next stall). I would have been a better pick for that spot than Craig.

You can view the whole list here.

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