HolyCoast: 1 in 6 Would Not Support a Mormon
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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

1 in 6 Would Not Support a Mormon

Herein lies some of Mitt Romney's troubles in the upcoming primaries and general election (should he get that far):

A new Gallup Poll finds about one in six Americans, including similar proportions of Republicans and Democrats, indicating they would not support their party's nominee for president if that person were a Mormon.

The poll was conducted in the days immediately following a major speech by Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, in which he attempted to quiet voter concern about his Mormon religion. The speech appeared to be a response to the political situation in Iowa, where former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, who has made his Christian faith a centerpiece of his Republican presidential campaign, has taken the lead in the Iowa caucus polls.

According to the Dec. 6-9 Gallup survey, Americans are about as likely today (80%) as they were in March (77%) to say they would vote for a Mormon if their party nominated someone of that faith for president. At that time, 19% said they would not vote for a Mormon presidential candidate. However, in early February, just before Romney officially declared his candidacy for president, the percentage saying they would not vote for a Mormon was somewhat higher, at 24%.

This little problem isn't going to go away.

Meanwhile, National Review has endorsed Romney for president. They're about as conservative a bunch as you'll find, so they must see something they like.

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