HolyCoast: Al Gore, the "Ice Man"
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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Al Gore, the "Ice Man"

Al Gore has the amazing ability to make bad weather news on major days in his global warming career. A couple of years ago he gave a major global warming speech on the coldest day in NY City history. Today, he accepted his Nobel Peace Prize on a day when a huge ice storm is gripping much of the middle of the country. My aunt reported from Oklahoma City that this is probably the worst ice storm they've had in 100 years.

There's more ice news that Gore might be interested in (from Special Report):
On the same day Al Gore received his share of the Nobel Prize for his work on climate change — one of his main arguments is being challenged by a scientific fact.

Gore has said that the northern polar ice cap could be completely gone in as little as seven years. But Brazil's MetSul Weather Center reports the ice and snow cover in the Arctic have recovered to within one percent of normal — even though the official start of winter is still more than a week away.

And it says the southern polar ice cap actually has an additional 772,000 square miles of ice now — compared to a year ago.

Keep it up Al and we'll be dealing with icebergs in Miami Harbor.

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