HolyCoast: Beware Those Energy Saving Christmas Lights
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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Beware Those Energy Saving Christmas Lights

The newest fad in Christmas lights is LED lights that are supposed to save energy. However, they may end up costing you a lot more if the squirrels get 'em (from Special Report):

City officials in Milwaukee thought they could save some money and help the environment by using energy-efficient LED lights on their big Christmas tree in Red Arrow Park.

But a local TV station reports that squirrels are chewing the strings of the lights, causing them to short out, and requiring the city to spend more money to replace the lights and fight the squirrels.

It turns out that with the old lights, the current in the power cord between the bulbs was sufficient to shock the squirrels when they tried to chew through. But the new lights use much less current — and the squirrels don't seem to be bothered.

The city has tried several things to deter the squirrels — including deer repellent — which apparently does not work. And one worker says he doesn't think they make squirrel repellent.

As long as the lights are colored, the NAACL approves whether they're tradition or LED.

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