HolyCoast: Bill Clinton is Just as Black as Barack Obama
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Sunday, December 09, 2007

Bill Clinton is Just as Black as Barack Obama

Andrew Young thinks Barack Obama is too young, too inexperienced, and possibly too white to be president:
ATLANTA (AP) - Civil rights icon Andrew Young says Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama is too young and lacks the support network to ascend to the White House.

In a media interview posted online, Young also quipped that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton has her husband behind her, and that "Bill is every bit as black as Barack."

"He's probably gone with more black women than Barack," Young said of former President Clinton, drawing laughter from a live television audience. Young, 75, was quick to follow his comment on Bill Clinton with the disclaimer, "I'm clowning."

Young, a former United Nations ambassador and lieutenant of Martin Luther King, Jr., made the comments at an appearance at "Newsmakers Live," an urban media forum that interviews prominent Atlanta personalities and political figures.

Clinton has probably had more black women than Barack. Whether you could consider those "dates" is subject to interpretation.

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