HolyCoast: Bloomberg/Hagel 2008?
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Friday, December 21, 2007

Bloomberg/Hagel 2008?

Given the boredom I already feel regarding the presidential campaign, I almost hope this happens:
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-NE) "have been conducting regular, private phone conversations over the past few months in an effort to 'feel each other out' for a possible presidential run," according to the Huffington Post.

"It has been widely speculated that the two men could mount a third-party White House ticket. And while the maverick Republican and the independent mayor have met in the past, the private phone calls provide the clearest indication yet that they are considering such a move."
If this combo were to make a run it would hurt Democrats far more than Republicans. Hagel still has (R) after his name, but almost nobody in the Republican party would support him against a Republican candidate. Bloomberg abandoned the Republican party last June, and given his love of big government solutions, his support among GOP voters would also likely be nil. Consequently, if their going to get any votes, it's going to come from Democrats.

Bring it on.

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