HolyCoast: Congress Bans 100 Watt Bulb, Saves the World
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Thursday, December 20, 2007

Congress Bans 100 Watt Bulb, Saves the World

Praise be to Congress! We're saved and our energy future is now secure thanks to the new energy bill:

"In this bill, we ban by 2012 the famously inefficient 100-watt incandescent bulb," said Rep. Jane Harman (D-Venice), who co-sponsored that provision.
This means that all of us will be stuck with CFL bulbs that provide poor illumination, don't last as long as they claim, cost a lot more, and are a potential toxic waste hazard if they're broken.

Democrats aren't afraid of terrorists. They're not afraid of Iranian madman dictators. They're not afraid of Saudi oil ministers who have America by the short hairs. No, they're afraid of 100 watt bulbs.

Thanks, Congress.

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