HolyCoast: Gun Toting Woman Nabbed at DisneyWorld
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Monday, December 10, 2007

Gun Toting Woman Nabbed at DisneyWorld

DisneyWorld security officials caught a woman with a concealed weapon:
A 63-year-old woman was arrested Sunday after sheriff's deputies said she tried to enter Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom theme park with a loaded gun, some scissors and a knife.

Security workers said they discovered a .32-caliber semi-automatic handgun on Mary Ann Richardson, of Pennsylvania, during a routine safety check at a theme park entrance gate.

Walt Disney World security notified the Orange County Sheriff's Office and officer confiscated the gun and arrested the Richardson.

The woman was also in possession of a pair of scissors and a locked blade knife.

Richardson told officers that she traveled with the gun and had forgotten it was in her purse, according to an Orange County sheriff's report. An investigation into the incident continues.

Stringent security measures have been in place at all Central Florida theme parks since Sept. 11, the report said.

Richardson was charged with possession of a concealed weapon.
To be honest with you, I doubt this woman was a threat to anybody. I haven't heard of any history on her part of misuse of a weapon. As far as "stringent security measures" at a Disney park, my guess is they stumbled on this gun by accident. Being a regular visitor to Disneyland I'm well aware of their "stringent security measures" which essentially consist of a few old ladies who look through purses and diaper bags before you enter the plaza between Disneyland and California Adventure. If I wanted to carry a handgun into Disneyland it would be a piece of cake. There are no metal detectors (like you find at Magic Mountain where gang problems made that necessary), and unless you're carrying some sort of bag, there are no security checks. You can pretty much hide anything you want on your person and can walk in unmolested.

I've always thought the security area that Disneyland started after 9/11 was more for show than anything else. If they find a gun, it's only because the person forgot they had it in their purse or bag.

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