HolyCoast: Hillary's Deadbeat Brother
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Thursday, December 20, 2007

Hillary's Deadbeat Brother

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I'm sure the Clinton campaign is regretting the timing of this story:
December 20, 2007 -- Owe, brother!

Hillary Rodham Clinton's youngest sibling is a deadbeat dad who owes tens of thousands of dollars in child support to his politically connected ex, The Post has learned.

In a disclosure that could prove embarrassing for his sister, Anthony Rodham has stiffed his former wife, Nicole Boxer, out of $75,000 in child support, as well as $55,000 in alimony, a source close to the case said.

Including interest and various fees and expenses, the presidential candidate's brother now owes Boxer - the daughter of Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) - more than $158,000, the source said.

The revelation that Rodham is delinquent with his payments won't be a welcome development for Hillary Clinton, coming as the too-close-to-call battle for the Democratic presidential nomination reaches a fevered pitch and with the first votes to be cast in Iowa in exactly two weeks.

Barbara Boxer has not endorsed a candidate in the race.

Boxer's such a dim bulb she'll probably endorse Hillary anyway.

Oh well, Bill Clinton had Roger and Jimmy Carter had Billy. Weird loser brothers seem to run in Democrat circles. Still, you'd think that the campaign would have been aware that this time bomb was sitting out there and would have done something to fix it.

Meanwhile, another Clinton supporter has to apologize for comments made about Barack Obama:
Former Nebraska Sen. Bob Kerrey has apologized to Barack Obama for any unintentional insult he committed by raising the Democratic presidential candidate’s Muslim heritage while endorsing rival candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Kerrey sent a letter to Obama on Wednesday, lauding the Illinois senator’s qualifications to be president and saying that he never meant to harm his candidacy. Kerrey told The Associated Press in a telephone interview that he sent the letter on his own and had not spoken to Clinton or her campaign about the comments he made Sunday in Iowa.

“What I found myself getting into in Iowa - and it was my own fault - it was the wrong moment to do it and it was insulting,” Kerrey told the AP. “I meant no disrespect at all.”

Nothing ever happens by accident in the Clinton campaign. Adding this apology effectively keeps the story alive for another day or two and ensures that more people hear about it.

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