HolyCoast: Huckabee Leading in Michigan
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Monday, December 10, 2007

Huckabee Leading in Michigan

This is surprising. Michigan is where Mitt Romney's was born and where his father served as governor, and one that I'm sure he'd already put in his win column:

Mike Huckabee’s surging campaign has created a three-way toss-up in Michigan’s Republican Primary. The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey finds Huckabee earning 21% of the vote. Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, the son of a former Michigan Governor, attracts 20% support while former New York City Mayor is the top choice for 19% of Likely Republican Primary Voters.

Trailing the Michigan frontrunners are Fred Thompson at 9%, John McCain at 8% and Ron Paul at 7%. Tom Tancredo and Duncan Hunter split 2% while 15% are not sure how they will vote. Michigan’s primary is scheduled for January 15, twelve days after the Iowa caucuses and a week after the New Hampshire Primary. Results from those earlier contests may have a significant impact on the Michigan results.

Currently, Huckabee has a slight edge over Romney in Iowa while Romney has the advantage in New Hampshire. Huckabee leads in South Carolina. Rasmussen Reports, the first firm to show Huckabee leading in Iowa, will be polling again in that state next week. In national polls, Huckabee and Giuliani are on top.

The Huckabee surge may take a bit of a hit because of his 1992 comments on homosexuality which are now being spotlighted, but if he holds onto a lead in Michigan, Romney may not have anywhere to go to get a win.

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