HolyCoast: A Moron Follow-up
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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A Moron Follow-up

In 2005 I posted an item entitled "Christian Morons Hate Bush Christmas Card". Well, the moron that inspired that post has written a follow-up complaining about the fact the he was dropped from the Bush Christmas card list:
It's official.

I got dumped from the White House Christmas card list – er, make that "holiday card" list.

In case you don't remember, I set off something of a national firestorm in the 2005 Christmas season by criticizing President Bush's non-Christmas card and mentioning that I threw mine in the garbage can as soon as I opened it. My comments made the front page of the Washington Post!

Since then – both in 2006 and again this season – I got no card from the Bushes. Not a Christmas card, not a Hanukkah card, not a Kwanzaa card. Not even a "season's greetings" card.

Poor baby. What did he expect? His comments in 2005 pegged him as an ungrateful idiot who didn't deserve attention from the president.

For the record, I haven't gotten a White House card the last two years either, mainly because I haven't made a political contribution since the 2004 campaign. I did get a card in 2004 and 2005, but I'm not complaining about the lack of same since then.

By the way, since 2005 the moron mentioned above has spent much of his time attacking Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church for all kinds of evils real and perceived. For the self-righteous, their work is never done.

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