HolyCoast: Short and To The Point
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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Short and To The Point

You have to admire the marketing gurus in Scotland (from Special Report):
Scottish officials decided they needed a new marketing slogan for their country. They wanted to replace the signs around the Glasgow Airport that read "the best small country in the world." So of course they got their experts together — worked on concepts for six months — and spent around $300,000 dollars on the project.

So what did they come up with? "Welcome to Scotland." Yep, that's it — just "Welcome to Scotland."

As you might imagine not everyone is happy with this. Says one media expert, "They all seem to appear to take an unbelievably boring pill before they decide to implement plans like this. I think it's incredibly uninventive."
I could have come up with that for half the money.

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