HolyCoast: An California Independent Complains
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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

An California Independent Complains

I'm very much opposed to open primaries and am glad that the Republican Party in California won't allow non-Republicans to vote in the primary. One of the independents complained to the Los Angeles Times (h/t Best of the Web):

Medea Bern, once a registered Republican, is one of a growing number of California voters who shun party membership and declare themselves independent. In the upcoming presidential election, that makes her the kind of voter all the candidates would like to reach.

But when it comes to California's Feb. 5 primary, there is only one major party where she's welcome: the Democratic Party. She isn't allowed to cast her ballot in the Republican primary, and that upsets her.

She might be inclined to vote for Republican Sen. John McCain, but instead finds herself weighing a choice between Democrats Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton.

"It really makes me mad," she said. "I haven't decided which candidate to vote for, but I'm not happy that my voice is eliminated on the Republican side. Don't they trust the independent vote?"

In a word, NO! If you want to vote for John McCain it's not really that hard (and not really that smart). All you have to do is register as a Republican before the deadline. If you're not willing to identify yourself as a Republican, you shouldn't have the right to choose the Republican nominee.

It's really pretty simple.

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