HolyCoast: Clinton Promises to Break DNC Rules
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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Clinton Promises to Break DNC Rules

Hillary Clinton won big in Florida in a race that's not supposed to mean anything in terms of delegates, but the Clintons aren't through with the DNC yet:
(CNN) – Hillary Clinton held a victory rally in Davie, Florida Tuesday night — even though the Democratic National Committee has stripped Florida of all of its delegates to the nominating convention, and no Democratic presidential candidate campaigned in the state.

“I could not come here to ask in person for your votes, but I am here to thank you for your votes today,” Clinton told her supporters. The New York senator also promised the crowd that she would do everything she could to get Florida’s delegation seated at the Democratic convention.

Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton said Tuesday night that Clinton was “trying to assign meaning to a contest that awards zero delegates” after her recent loss to Obama in South Carolina. “Sen. Obama is disappointed that Florida will have no role in selecting delegates for the Democratic nominee, but looks forward to competing and winning in Florida during the general election,” he said.

Poor Barack got snookered again. First he took his name off the Michigan ballot and handed Hillary the win there when she refused to go along. Obama might well have won in Michigan had he stayed on the ballot. And now he's been skunked in Florida and before it's all said and done the delegates from both states will be seated and nearly all will go to Hillary.

Oh, and during her Florida rally Hillary was endorsed by Rep. Alcee Hastings, an impeached former federal judge. How appropriate is that? She couldn't get the fat drunk guy but she could get a judge who was thrown out of office.

In another development, the Manchester Union-Leader (NH) is not the least bit impressed with Clinton's antics:
“Hillary’s word: It’s worth nothing

COURTING VOTERS in Iowa and New Hampshire, last August Sen. Hillary Clinton signed a pledge not to “campaign or participate” in the Michigan or Florida Democratic primaries. She participated in both primaries and is campaigning in Florida. Which proves, again, that Hillary Clinton is a liar.

Clinton kept her name on the Michigan ballot when others removed theirs, she campaigned this past weekend in Florida, and she is pushing to seat Michigan and Florida delegates at the Democratic National Convention. The party stripped those states of delegates as punishment for moving up their primary dates.

“I will try to persuade my delegates to seat the delegates from Michigan and Florida,” Clinton said last week, after the New Hampshire primaries and Iowa caucuses were safely over.

Clinton coldly and knowingly lied to New Hampshire and Iowa. Her promise was not a vague statement. It was a signed pledge with a clear and unequivocal meaning.

She signed it thinking that keeping the other candidates out of Michigan and Florida was to her advantage, but knowing she would break it if that proved beneficial later on. It did, and she did.

New Hampshire voters, you were played for suckers.“

Too bad they didn't write that before the New Hampshire primaryl

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