HolyCoast: Could Gore Be The Next to Endorse Obama?
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Monday, January 28, 2008

Could Gore Be The Next to Endorse Obama?

Bill Kristol has another of his weekly pieces in the New York Times (I laugh every time I think of those NY liberals reading Kristol's stuff - there must be heads exploding all over Manhatten). Kristol suggests that Obama could be getting another big endorsement this week, and also has some viewing recommendations for Thursday night:
Right now, Hillary Clinton is ahead in the polls in almost all the big states voting. She is a tough and capable campaigner, and she may be able to hold on to those leads. But it is now clear that putting her in the White House brings a hyperactive Bill back in with her. Who needs it? Liberals and Democrats can get basically the same policies without the Clinton baggage, and in choosing Obama, they can nominate a more electable candidate.

So Hillary’s advantage in the polls will, I suspect, erode. The erosion could be hastened by the expected endorsement of Obama by Ted Kennedy on Monday. It could be helped further along if Al Gore hops aboard the Obama bandwagon later in the week. Meanwhile, Tom Daschle, the Senate Democratic leader during most of the Clinton presidency, is actively supporting Obama. Talk to Democrats in D.C., and it’s amazing how many who know the Clintons well — many of whom worked in the Clinton administration — are eager that they not return to the White House.

This week, the Clinton team will dump every bit of opposition research it has on Obama. We’ll see how Obama responds.

But the moment of truth could come at the Democratic debate Thursday, in Los Angeles. Edwards may have dropped out by then. If so, it will be a one-on-one showdown. Even if he’s there, he’ll be effectively a bystander. Will Obama hold his own?

I’d say that even if you’ve (understandably) skipped the previous debates, this is one to tune into. I had a dinner scheduled Thursday night. I’m canceling it. The Giants probably won’t beat the Patriots in the Super Bowl. But this could be the week Obama upsets the Clintons.
I don't think Edwards is going to get out of the race. I think at this point he sees himself as some sort of kingmaker with the possibility that the nomination could go all the way to the convention where Edwards could make a dramatic endorsement of his own and thus hand the nomination to Clinton or Obama. He'll strap on his fireproof underwear and continue his role as debate wallpaper.

Getting back to the Gore endorsement, don't forget that Gore endorsed Howard Dean and we all know how that worked out. When Gore shows up temperatures and poll numbers dive.

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